Saturday 6 September 2008

Hollywood endures summertime blues

LOS ANGELES () - The moneymaking summer moviegoing season in North America ended on a lacklustre note on Monday as ticket gross sales limped to a new record piece attendance slumped to a three-year low.

The U.S. Labor Day holiday weekend, which marks the traditional end of summertime, was lED for a third round by "Tropic Thunder." Ben Stiller's Hollywood satire earned an estimated $14.3 million during the four-day period. It marks the lowest tot up for a Labor Day holiday chart-topper since 2004, when the martial-arts film "Hero" opened to $11.5 zillion.

The DreamWorks/Paramount comedy, which Stiller directed and stars in alongside Robert Downey, Jr., has earned about $86.6 1000000 to escort. Four new entries were largely neglected, with twentieth Century Fox's Vin Diesel sci-fi picture "Babylon A.D." coming in at No. 2 with just $12 million.

The overall picture for summer was not peculiarly shiny, with a 4 percent rear in the average U.S. ticket monetary value to $7.16 saving the day for the movie industry.

Estimated sales inched up 0.43 percentage from last year's record to $4.2 billion, while the number of tickets sold slid 3.5 percent to 586.9 meg, according to tracking unbendable Media By Numbers. The previous abject for attendance was in 2005, when 563 billion tickets were sold.


All this despite the massive success of "The Dark Knight," which has grossed about $505 jillion to date across the United States and Canada. Warner Bros. Pictures' Batman sequel ranks as the second-biggest pic in history behind "Titanic" (before adjusting for inflation).

The 18-week summer span in general accounts for about 40 percent of annual tag sales, and studios take advantage of school holidays to churn out big-budget sequels and superhero sagas aimed at Hollywood's sweet spot of male youngsters.�

More info

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Celebrity: A good year for the paparazzi? Just ask Amy and Peaches

Every dawn Paul Convery walks prohibited of his front door to be confronted by piles of discarded coffee tree cups and sandwich wrappings. There is an unmistakable stench of urine. The pavements are filled with stocky, daunting men with glowering expressions and the parking spaces have all been taken by battered 4x4s that have non paid or displayed.

'The neighbours down the road are woken nightly at roughly 3am by the sounds of taxi doors slamming, shuffling of feet, shouting and excitement,' he says. But this is no unexplained urban menace: this is the modern paparazzi at work. Convery has the misfortune to live on the same north London street as Peaches Geldof, the ubiquitous celebrity poppet valve whose characterisation is practically in exact from rag newspapers and glossy magazines.

'We have had up to a dozen paparazzi hanging out for 12 to 18 hours at a stretch, eating, drinking, urinating on the street, having barbecues,' says Convery, a local Labour councillor who was recently affected to write a letter to Geldof suggesting she 'slope off for a few weeks' to give residents a holiday. 'These guys are like professional wrestlers wHO have picked up a camera. They have access to a range of expletives that they enjoyment with comfort. They ar very fast-growing and remind me of the hard men you would try to annul at a bar. These are people who have had the empathy sucked out of their life systems.'

This summer the British paparazzi have gone into overdrive. First, Geldof was alleged to have collapsed at home in July from a rumoured drugs overdose - which she denies - causing a spike of interest and a blizzard of rag photographs. That was further exacerbated last week by her marriage in Las Vegas, aged 19, to an unknown American rocker: cue front-page pictures of Geldof sporting an outsized wedding hoop, looking shamefaced. Then there have been the invariant snatched images of Amy Winehouse shuttling to and from rehab and the blurry shots of Sienna Miller engrossed around a new boyfriend.

The pursuit has been relentless. Miller, world Health Organization has been dating the married actor Balthazar Getty, broke down pat in tears at a Los Angeles garage on Monday when photographers swarmed round her car and asked questions about her alleged 'home-wrecking'. She by and by complained to police and was granted an accompaniment back to her Beverly Hills hotel.

Last week the actress Keira Knightley complained that paparazzi intrusion was 'a identical predatory force'. 'When you are leaving your front door and paparazzi, world Health Organization are a lot bigger than you, are yelling "You're a whore" to try to make you cry - that manifestly is not great,' she aforesaid in an interview with Tatler magazine. 'If you look at the biggest film stars, they do not get paparazzi'ed that much, partially because they've already had it so much that they precisely close themselves off in their houses and don't leave them.'

After the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in a Paris car go after in 1997, there was a corporate pause for breath by newspaper and magazine editors who sworn not to use snatched images. But now, 11 years later, the fragile boundary betwixt feeding the public interest and maintaining an individual's right to privacy appears to have been breached by a new breed of irregular paparazzi.

The marketplace has taken a disquieting turn. Our ghoulish captivation with images depicting stars in various states of disintegration has ensured that these pictures often carry a higher monetary value. Just call up of Winehouse, chalk-faced and bleary-eyed, visualized wandering the streets in her underclothes last December. Or Britney Spears, wHO was photographed strapped to a hospital stretcher in January later tearfully refusing to hand over custody of her children. Both images would have sold for thousands of pounds.

'I don't cognize a single agency photographer who would shout that kind of insult [to Keira Knightley], and the agency wouldn't employ them if they did,' says peerless showbiz photographer who declined to be named. 'The problem is you're getting more and more free-lance guys world Health Organization think they can make a speedy buck simply by purchasing a camera and pitching up on a doorsill. They lavatory be quite aggressive and focused. They're like hunters following prey, because the game has got often more free-enterprise and that encourages a kind of survival of the fittest.'

Almost anyone can be a paparazzo straight off - all that is required is a digital camera, precipitous eyes and a satnav that tin can direct you to Sadie Frost's business firm in Primrose Hill. Bystanders can take snaps of celebrities on their fluid phones and sell them to gossip websites inside minutes. Heat magazine solitary receives 10,000 to 20,000 electronic images every day from readers.

Why do we find paparazzi images so fascinating? 'I think it's because it's easily digestible entertainment,' says Perez Hilton, the influential American celebrity blogger. 'It's play escapism.' A life-sized picture of the well-nigh bankable celebrities - Kate Moss, Kylie Minogue, Knightley or Miller - toilet fetch �200. But the value of the stab depends on the floor behind it: an sole set of Winehouse leaving a rehab clinic, for instance, arse be worth up to �30,000.

'Female celebrities always sell better than men because the magazine readership is overwhelmingly female,' says Alex Stanger, an amusement reporter for BBC News 24. 'Women want to see other women non looking so great. A shot of someone's axilla hair or cellulite sells more than a lovely, set-up, airbrushed photo.'

The more and more fevered rival means that a dedicated paparazzo must stick like glue to his quarry. This has led to a heave in the number of car chases - or 'follows', in paparazzi-speak. Not for null has the new generation of showbiz photographers become known as 'the stalkerazzi'. John Mayer, the singer-songwriter ex-boyfriend of Jennifer Aniston, complained sooner this calendar month that photographers were routinely breaking the speed limitation and shooting red lights.

In fashionable areas, the jest goes that you ar never more than sestet feet away from a paparazzo. In Los Angeles the city council is considering a so-called 'Britney law' that would seek to license paparazzi and introduce regulative measures such as making them have got a fluorescent 'P' on their telephone number plates. Elsewhere, a group of Malibu locals attacked paparazzi world Health Organization were trying to take shots of the role player Matthew McConaughey surfing.

'Celebrities ar constantly being hounded now because the market is so saturated,' says Stanger. 'I interviewed George Clooney latterly and he said to me that he has to be so much more aware than he was five years ago because now he goes to a restaurant and he won't know whether the nice couple following to him will originate filming him on their camera phones. That substance it is getting a bit more vicious.

'But it's a bipartisan street: celebrities need paparazzi as very much as the paparazzi need them, and some of them testament have a relationship with certain photographers. Victoria Beckham was e'er rumoured to have a guy she would call up to say: "I'm going to the gasolene station at this time, take a photo of me then."

'It's a unearthly, double-edged relationship. Amy Winehouse makes teatime for her paparazzi and Britney Spears ended up going kayoed with peerless [Adnan Ghalib], so it's almost like they're the only friends they receive left. It's quite incestuous.'

Admittedly certain celebrities at the lower end of the fame spectrum rely on paparazzi shots to raise their profile. Others, like Kylie Minogue, agree to stop and smile on the proviso that they are then left unequalled. If the famous do not seek attention, so the parameter goes, it is easy to avoid.

'If they don't like it, they tail end just locomote,' says Perez Hilton. 'Julia Roberts moved to New Mexico. Sandra Bullock moved to Texas. There's nothing worse than celebrities who complain or cover their faces pictures. So long as the paparazzi aren't breakage the police, celebs barely need to put up with it.'

Certainly it would be unjust to assume that the paparazzi are operating in a emptiness. They are simply eating the demand, both from the public and from the celebrities themselves. There is, also, a sealed code of honour among agency photographers, who respond with revulsion if you label them with the 'p'-word.

'I would say very strongly that our organization would non condone anyone making a celebrity blazon out,' says Alan Williams, chief executive of Big Pictures. 'I'm not expression those photographers don't exist, just that they're not employed by our agency.'

That offers scant comfort for celebrities wHO feel hounded. Nor does it give much relief to the likes of the unfortunate Paul Convery, who is not a celebrity and has never sought to be. As he continues to struggle his way of life through the disposable barbecues, one tin can only leslie Townes Hope that Peaches doesn't do anything to a fault newsworthy in the weeks to issue forth. Perhaps, as Perez Hilton suggests, she should locomote to New Mexico. Then, at least, the residents of his street would get their parking spaces back.

What it's like for the neighbours

Living virtually succeeding door to Amy Winehouse is no easy ride. It's non so lots the antics of Amy herself that keep her neighbours up at nighttime, but rather those of the small army of hangers-on and paparazzi milling around at all hours.

Though she is scarcely ever around, Amy-watching is a 24-hour-a-day industry, with the end of the road constantly blocked with cars and scooters, patch taxis and deliveries arrive at all hours, causation the street to be lit up with flashes.

Bored with hanging around all day and night, 3am games of football among paparazzi exploitation parked cars as goalposts are non uncommon.

That said, there are some notable advantages to having a celebrity neighbour. House prices aside, the presence of a dozen photographers and a pair of burly security guards keeping a 24-hour vigil helps make the street unrivalled of the safest and most crime-free in the whole of north London.

Even if it is mostly through a beleaguering mentality, her presence encourages conversation between neighbours and even promotes a small sense of community non seen in many places in the city.

Plus, being one step ahead of the gossip columns definitely impresses friends and colleagues, with most being at least a slight curious or even jealous.
David Hewitt

More info

Sunday 17 August 2008

Shaquille O'Neal and Wife Reconcile

Nearly a year after filing divorce papers, Pro-basketballer Shaquille O'Neal and his wife, Shaunie,

Thursday 7 August 2008

Macy Gray

Macy Gray   
Artist: Macy Gray

R&B: Soul



   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12

The Very Best of Macy Gray   
 The Very Best of Macy Gray

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 17

The Trouble With Being Myself   
 The Trouble With Being Myself

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 13

The ID   
 The ID

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 13

Macy Gray parlayed an absolutely unique voice and an flaky sense of stylus into R&B stardom at the turn of the millenary, likable to audiences of all colors in hunt of a fresh alternative to mainstream person. Gray was actually born Natalie McIntyre in Canton, OH, and grew up a shy, awkward fry wHO was a great deal teased around her odd-sounding voice. She studied determinate pianoforte for seven old age, simply to a fault tight up the music of soul legends like Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, and Aretha Franklin, non to acknowledgement old school rap; at boarding school as a adolescent, she was exposed to a multifariousness of white rock candy & roll as intimately. She moved to Los Angeles to enter in USC's screenwriting programme, where one day she in agreement to write lyrics for a instrumentalist friend's original songs. A demonstration academic session was scheduled to convey the songs on mag tape, and when the isaac Merrit Singer failed to usher up, Gray -- having adoptive the full mention of an aged neighbour in Canton as her seminal assumed refer -- wound up vocalizing on the recordings herself, in spite of her distaste for her have voice. One of the songs was ne'er overdubbed with some other vocal, and when the tapes started making the rounds of the local music scene, Gray's rasping growl attracted a band of attention, much to her surprisal. She was offered a job vocalizing jazz and pop standards with a band that performed in hotels around Los Angeles, and her continued run as a demonstration singer created a buzz around the unconvincing prima donna.

Robert Gray organised an after-hours nightspot called the We Ours, which took position in a diminished coffee shop; in addition to welcoming open-mic acts of the Apostles, Gray and her jazz group performed there regularly. She signed with Atlantic Records, wHO declined to spillage the album she recorded for them; devastated by this rejection and the dissolution of her wedding (her one-third kid was on the way at the time), Gray retreated to Canton. However, her demo mag tape continued to make the rounds, and she returned to L.A. to accept a publication conduct with Zomba. This in grow helped lead to a new record contract with Epic in April 1998, and Gray spent the following year recording what was to turn her debut album, On How Life Is. Released in the summertime of 1999, On How Life Is won glow reviews and great pipeline, only in venom of all that -- asset a moderate slay single in "Do Something" -- the record book was slow to catch on at low gear. That all changed early the next year, when Gray received deuce Grammy nominations (for Best New Artist and Best Female R&B Vocal), and the single "I Try" started to take off on radio. "I Try" proven to be an enormous reach, and On How Life Is suddenly sold like hotcakes, entering the Top Ten and sledding three-base hit platinum by the destruction of 2000. Gray scored a littler follow-up reach with "Why Don't You Call Me," and too raised eyebrows with the album cart track "I've Committed Murder," in which the protagonist gets off with her crime. Although Gray lost kO'd her first time at the Grammys, she was nominative once more the following year for Best Female Pop Vocal thanks to "I Try," and this time north Korean won (although the song lost out on Record of the Year and Song of the Year honors).

In late 2000, Gray contributed 2 vocal tracks to Fatboy Slim's Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars record album; she after recorded with the Black Eyed Peas, cut a pas de deux with pat caption Slick Rick for the Benjamin Rush Hour 2 soundtrack ("The World Is Yours"), and made her concealment playacting debut in the Denzel Washington constabulary drama Training Day. By the time she had begun work on her arcsecond album, Gray was development a reputation for dreamlike public appearances and interviews, culminating in an August 2001 incident in which she was booed for plain stumbling over the lyrics to the national anthem. Released the undermentioned month, The Id was a determined campaign to play up the crazy side of Gray's range of a function; it entered the charts at phone issue 11 and quickly went gold on the military capability of lead individual "Seraphic Baby." However, in cattiness of node appearances by Erykah Badu and the Red Hot Chili Peppers' John Frusciante, among others, its sales stalled much rather than expected. During 2002, Gray appeared as herself in the smash impinge on movie Spider-Man and too guested on Santana's Shaman. One division by and by, her third record album -- The Trouble with Being Myself -- arrived on the shelves, although it was besides a flop in commercial-grade price (it incisively barely lost the Top 40). With a new production team, including from Black Eyed Peas and his confederate Ron Fair, Gray returned with a slicker, Tom Joyner-approved rendering of soul on 2007's Big, featuring collaborations with Natalie Cole and BEP's Fergie.

SAG factions battle for board

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Davina McCall: 'I've Had Marriage Counseling'

Big Brother host Davina McCall has for the first time revealed the furious bust-ups that almost ended her marriage.

The 40-year-old TV star said she and her husband, former Pet Rescue presenter Matthew Robertson, had several counseling sessions in a bid to save their relationship.

Speaking to Janet Street-Porter for British magazine Marie Claire, Davina -- who has previously denied any problems in her eight-year marriage -- said, "I like to talk things through and Matthew, like most men, doesn't. He'll generally say, 'This is ridiculous,' and walk out.

"I'm left huffing and thinking, 'I need to talk about this!' Under duress he'll sit down and listen if he has to."

In the interview, due to be published this week, mother of three Davina admitted that five years ago she and Matthew went to see a therapist. They had four sessions, "not because we were splitting up, but because we were bickering a lot," she says.

"We had this stumbling block and every time we started talking about it, we'd have a row. So we needed a mediator to say, 'Hang on a minute, let Matthew talk. Right Davina, how do you feel?� Afterwards we were like, 'Blimey. We've achieved in 90 minutes what we�ve been trying to talk about for six weeks,'" she said.

Davina stressed the therapy worked and now she couldn�t imagine life without Matthew.

She explained, "It was the best thing we�ve done and I've recommended it to lots of friends. I can't imagine ever being with anybody else now. I'm so ensconced with Matthew I don't know what I'd do without him. I'd be lost."

Davina also revealed how she's still haunted by her drink and drugs demons and religiously attends addiction recovery meetings, even though she�s been clean for 16 years. "I go twice a week. I've been going to them for 15 years and no one has ever blown my anonymity. I think everybody who is trying to get themselves off drugs is entitled to a bit of privacy.

"If their anonymity has been blown and they don't feel safe at those meetings, they may well never go back and they might die.

"I had a really nice boy at my meetings who died last week. He had a relapse and died. Accidental overdose. It's life and death. It's not a game.

"I go to meetings every week, not because I�m on the verge of relapse but because it keeps me sane."

See Also

Thursday 26 June 2008

Crazy Fan to Beckham: Let's Hug It Out

For a few seconds, this crazy fan was the envy of women around the world -- embracing the hottest man in soccer, David Beckham. He was then the envy of no one -- as Beck's beefy teammate Chris Klein gave him a serious beat down!
David Beckham

See Also

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Nancy Reagan -- Just Say No to Aging

Upright 86-year-old former First Lady of the U.S. Nancy Reagan looked heavenly on her way into a nail salon in Hollywood.
Nancy Reagan: Click to view!

See Also

Two People Charged Over Amy Winehouse 'Drugs Video'

As Singer Appears At Home...

'Jennifer Lopez Fears She's A Bad Mother'

Jennifer Lopez's fabled perfectionism reportedly extends to her new role as a parent.

The singer – who gave birth to twins Max and Emme in February – is said feel she's failing in her quest to be the “perfect mother” to her two girls.

"Jennifer wants to be the perfect mother, but she crumbles if any normal little thing goes wrong,” says a source.

"If the twins cry, she thinks it's because she's a bad mom, and bursts into tears herself.

"Marc had to sit her down and make her understand that she's a good mom and it's normal for babies to cry."

And husband Marc Anthony is worried that this self-imposed pressure –  combined with her efforts to ditch the 50lbs she gained while pregnant - is taking its toll on her health.

The source tells Closer, "Jen is a total perfectionist, and she's treating motherhood the same way she goes about her career -- it's all or nothing.

"Marc is concerned that she's not eating properly or sleeping because she's obsessed with looking after the twins. If she leaves them with her own mother for a couple of hours to have some time off, she beats herself up about it and feels guilty.

"Marc has forced Jen to take some time off and have a massage to unwind, but she even struggled to relax during that.

"He wants her to stop worrying abut the kind of mother she's being and just enjoy it."

Hudson cast in Secret Life of Bees

Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson, Queen Latifah and Sophie Okonedo are to star in the big screen adaptation of the Sue Monk Kidd novel 'The Secret Life of Bees'.
Variety reports that Dakota Fanning and Alicia Keys are also in negotiations to join the film, which tells the story of a 14-year-old who runs away from home and is taken care of by three eccentric beekeeping sisters.
Shooting on the film is due to begin on 9 January in North Carolina.
'The Secret Life of Bees' is due out later this year.

Iron Man First To Cross $300-million Mark

Iron Man has become the golden boy for Marvel Studios, becoming the first picture of the year to cross the $300-million mark at the domestic box office. According to Music by Numbers, the film had grossed $299.3 million through Tuesday and was a sure bet to blow past $300 million on Wednesday or today (Thursday). Three films grossed more than $300 million in 2007: Spider-Man 3 ($336.5 million); Shrek the Third ($322.7 million), and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ($309.4 million).

See Also

"Gossip Girl" Gets Spotted

No doubt her TV persona of Serena van der Woodsen has pissed off a lot of people on "Gossip Girl" -- but getting pissed on may be a first.
Blake Lively
Blake Lively got some relief from a hot NYC day on Wednesday -- compliments of her pup's golden shower.

Where's the sisterhood of the traveling pants when you need 'em?!

See Also

Kim Wilson

Kim Wilson   
Artist: Kim Wilson



Lookin For Trouble   
 Lookin For Trouble

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 15

Smokin' joint   
 Smokin' joint

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 13

My Blues   
 My Blues

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 15

Harmonica thespian, songwriter and singer Kim Wilson is as a lot a student and historian of classic blues as he is one of the U.S.'s peak harmonica players. Simply put, Wilson has taste; when he enters the recording studio apartment, he has a unclutter vision of what he wants his following record to healthy care. Aside from all this, he's also an extremely difficult worker and a major route hogget, disbursal upwardly of 200 nights a U.S., Canada and Europe with his have Kim Wilson striation and leading the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

Although he's long been known as the magnetic frontman for the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Wilson's solo albums -- which feature bands of his have choosing for different tracks -- is where the mastermind in his function shows through and through most clearly. Born January 6, 1951 in Detroit, Wilson grew up in California. His parents were singers wHO would whistle pop standards on the wireless, and spell Wilson took trombone and guitar lessons, he didn't find blues until he was a senior in high school. Wilson's father-God afterwards worked for General Motors and raised his family in Goleta, California, he recalled in a 1994 question in his adopted hometown of Austin.

"We weren't robust, merely we were o.K.," he recalled. Wilson dropped kO'd of college and began playing blues wide-cut time in 1970. Wilson had a rented way and lived the hipster existence, getting his harp chops together by playing with travelling blues musicians like Eddie Taylor. Even though Wilson had only switched to harp in his elderly yr in high school, his advance on the instrument was rapid and every mo as all-consuming as his blues record-buying habit. Charlie Musselwhite, John Lee Hooker and Sonny Rhodes were among the other Bay Area musicians Wilson befriended and worked with in clubs. But Wilson didn't meet his biggest mentor until after he affected to Austin in the mid-'70s.

"Muddy Waters was my biggest wise man. He really made my report for me, and that was a wild time of my life, existence associated with that humankind," he recalled of his early years with the Fabulous Thunderbirds in Austin. There, at the Antone's megrims cabaret, Wilson and his Thunderbirds would back up whoever came into town, and it didn't consume long for the band to recognize they had Waters' benediction.

As a ballad maker, Wilson takes his clew from the long-forgotten name calling like Tampa Red, Roosevelt Sykes and Lonnie Johnson. His 1993 solo album, Tigerman, for the Austin-based Antone's label, features merely three of his possess tunes. Being the student of the blues that he is, Wilson was clearly hesitant to track record overly many of his own tunes when he'd already had a vision in his head of how he was leaving to make over classics wish Joe Hill Louis's "Panthera tigris Man," the album's title rails. He followed up his debut with the every bit brilliant That's Life (1994), also for Antone's, and over again this recording contains just tierce self-penned songs.

Wilson's life history took a supercharge in the '90s with a major-label deal with Private Music/BMG for the Fabulous Thunderbirds and haunt concert appearances with Bonnie Raitt. Wilson's solo albums are solid productions, extremely recommended for harp students and fans of classic Texas megrims and rhythm & blues.

Monday 23 June 2008


Artist: Underoath

Metal: Alternative


Define The Great Line   
 Define The Great Line

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 11

Theyre Only Chasing Safety   
 Theyre Only Chasing Safety

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10

They're Only Chasing Safey   
 They're Only Chasing Safey

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10

The Changing Of Times   
 The Changing Of Times

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 10

Cries Of The Past   
 Cries Of The Past

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 5

Act Of Depression   
 Act Of Depression

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 7

Since their inception, Florida's Underoath has evolved from a run-of-the-mine Christian metalcore band into a fluid, dynamic, and energized rock mathematical group that adeptly blends emotive strain, charged punk john Rock rhythm, and low-set, engaging bottom end. Underoath formed in 1998 in vocalizer Dallas Taylor's bedchamber. Within a yr, the group -- with guitarist Tim McTague, drummer Aaron Gillespie, and keyboardist Christopher Dudley -- had inked a deal with Alabama's Takehold record label. In July 1999, Underoath released the six-song Act of Depression CD, which sold over 2,000 copies. The five-song Cries of the Past followed a yr later, selling over 3,000 copies.

In 2002, Takehold commissioned all of its bands and releases to Seattle's Tooth & Nail/Solid State label. Underoath gain the studio and recorded the ten songs that would represent their first record album below the unexampled partnership, suitably titled The Changing of Times. Taylor suddenly left the group in the middle of 2003's Warped Tour, going distressed fans contemplating the band's unsealed future. Underoath -- which as well included bassist Grant Brandell and guitar player James Smith -- continued on, however, recruitment ex-This Runs Through member Spencer Chamberlain as their new vocalizer.

A year later, the young lineup released They're Only Chasing Safety and supported it on the road with bands like Thrice, the Bled, Hopesfall, and Fear Before the March of Flames. A limited edition of the album was succeeding released in fall down 2005 that included four fillip tracks; touring continued with a spring 2006 headlining term of enlistment aboard Poison the Well, As Cities Burn, and others. Deciding to stick with Tooth & Nail rather of jump to a major label, the sextette showcased significant increment and maturity date on their future cause, Define the Great Line, issued in June 2006.

A heavier, more emotional album than the prison-breaking success of 2004's Chasing Safety, the criminal record sold close to hundred,000 copies in only its first base hebdomad of release and was certified gold by the year's end. Embraced by fans and critics alike -- considered the band's masterpiece by many -- the grouping supported it on Warped's main stage that summer. But with a month of dates leftover, tensions inside Underoath's ranks on the spur of the moment came to a point, causing them to shake off sour the traveling fete. Rumors swirled of their impendent separation, merely the guys remained adamant that a much-needed break was simply due to sort things kO'd. They proved themselves by returning in 2006 with Specify the Great Line. Climbing all the way to number two, the record album became the highest-charting Christian album on The Billboard two hundred since 1997 when LeAnn Rimes took the number unmatchable touch with You Light Up My Life.

Richard Shindell

Jessica Simpson - The Things They Say 8556

"That's going well. She is as happy as I've seen her in years. He's a great guy. I love Tony to death... He's just a good kid." JESSICA SIMPSON's manager/father JOE SIMPSON dismisses reports the pop star has split with Dallas Cowboys quarterback TONY ROMO.

See Also